Take a look at the wonderful time Year 3 had on their Residential at Chet, in Crosby.
Xmas truce
Y2 decided to adopt Pharrell William's 'Happy' as the theme tune for their IPC topic this term 'Celebrations.' So, felt it quite fitting to create this film as part of their Exit Point. Enjoy!
Student's Album
Student's Album
Student's Album
4MZ's visit for their topic Paintings, Pictures & Photographs.
All stalls were planned, marketed and organised by our children this year and what wonderful entrepreneurial skills they have displayed. A huge thankyou to Mrs Berry and Mrs Gee for heading the event.
2E win a trip to Gulliver's world for raising the most money on Maths Enterprise Day! Hope you're impressed with our filming skills - even under extreme riding conditions!
On Wednesday 2nd April Gwladys Street launched our new behaviour policy to parents and carers. It's already been a huge success with the children.
Nursery were absolutely fantastic in their Christmas Carols Around the Tree performance. They looked, and sung beautifully, all the adults were very impressed. Have a look...
Reception's advert to tempt people to come along to their stalls on Enterprise Day - Friday 13th December 2013.
Are you feeling hungry? Be careful listening to this interview because it might tempt you into some delicous treats, It's all about year 3's topic 'What's on the Menu,'
Find out what year 5 have been doing recently in their literacy.
Do you need some fashion advice? Then why not listen to this interview by year 4 and they will tell you exactly who the best people are to see in Gwladys Street.
This podcast was created with our school Radio Station. The Gwladys Street Radio Station crew have been busy creating jingles and interviewing different year groups about their topics. This podcast was taken last term with year 2. Have a listen to their favourite parts of their 'Its shocking' topic and you may even pick up some interesting facts!
Prepare for the Cute Factor. This year's adorable Christmas nativity from the Bumblebees. Get your hankies ready!
Will reception manage to catch a big one on such a beautiful day? They're not scared!
We had a lovely afternoon in school to celebrate World Book Day. Our parents and carers were invited in and we chose some of our favourite books to read together.
Extracts from our lovely Christmas production