Year 1 have been busy using the iPods to create Time Capsule Podcasts for future generations. We wanted to let future generations know what our school and class is like today. They've been taking photos and also looking at photos from the past. Have a look out for Gwladys Street during the War!
Our exit point for Its Shocking, was a trip to Fiddlers Ferry power station. We all had a fantastis time!!
Y6 visit the Maritime museum to close their Drugs Education IPC topic. They explore the Seized Exhibition and attend an exciting workshop where they get to wear beer googles!
Y4 become explorers and adventurers at the Chill Factor. They enjoyed sledging, snow play and tubing! The staff had a wonderful time as well!
We've been researching Polar Explorers and had fun interviewing them too!
Gwladys Street children and the choir sing beautifully at St Luke's church. Get your tissues ready!!!